Tips To Care A Newborn

The arrival of a baby at home is a reason for happiness and unity for families. The problem is that many people, especially parents who have a child for the first time, feel anxious and confused about the care they should have with this new being.

In this first stage of life, where the needs of a newborn must be met by their parents or caregivers in their entirety, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations to safely care for a newborn. These are:

Breast milk, the first option: The ideal food that the newborn should receive is breast milk, because it satisfies all the nutritional requirements for its proper growth and development. Mother's milk must be supplied from the moment of birth and by free demand (without any pre-established schedule), it is the child who feels their needs.

When the baby cries, take care of it immediately: One of the most distressing moments for parents is when they see their newborn crying. The truth is that a baby cries to release tension, to endure excessive heat or cold, fatigue, discomfort, need for caresses and pampering, etc. 

The important thing is to learn to know the baby and attend to it immediately: a baby does not cry on a whim and therefore it is the duty of the parents and caregivers to calm him down and help him with whatever he needs.

When bathing, be careful with the temperature of the water: To take care of the hygiene of the baby, it is necessary to be very careful with the daily bath. The duration of the bath should be five minutes maximum; the water should be at a temperature of 37 ° C, and if it is not drinkable, it should be boiled; the room in which the bath is to be made should be at a temperature of approximately 20 ° C, and without drafts. 

Also, it is important that the person who is going to execute it must have well washed hands, without jewels and cut nails, to protect the delicate skin of the child.

For sunbathing, always take care of the child's skin: This is done by placing the baby naked under the rays of the sun in the morning hours, directly, without glasses in between; It should start with two or three minutes per side, increasing the exposure progressively, without spending twenty minutes in total; the eyes are protected by putting the face of the newborn in the shade, or by covering them with a dark handkerchief.

How to choose your bed properly: The bed or crib must meet some conditions to be comfortable and safe: the paint must be washable; the spaces between the bars must have a maximum separation of six centimeters, to avoid that they can enter their head between them; the rails should measure approximately 65 cm. above the mattress.

It is recommended that the base of the mattress be of a single firm block, that fits in the cradle without leaving free spaces in the sides; The mattress should be flat and completely lined in plastic to avoid humidity. The use of the pillow is not recommended for the first year, because it can flex the neck and trachea, which could cause suffocation in the child.
